World First Water Recycling

Mt Buller was the first alpine resort in the world to trial a system that enabled it to use recycled water for snowmaking. The Water Reuse system enabled the resort to recycle up to 2 million litres of waste water per day, by treating it with a stringent disinfection process that resulted in the production of Class A recycled water. Class A is the highest achievable standard in recycled water.
Recycled water was last used for snowmaking in 2019, when it was determined the process was not cost-effective for the amount of water produced.
The treatment of Mt Buller's recycled water benefitted the local environment by improving the quality of run-off that entered surrounding areas and water ways, and was monitored 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to ensure that it produced a safe and consistent quality of water.
The Mt Buller and Mt Stirling Alpine Resort Management was recognised for this innovation by the United Nations Association of Australia at the World Environment Day awards.
Boggy Creek Reservoir
The walk will then reopen fully by early December ready for summer guests.
Mt Buller’s new 100 megalitre reservoir was completed in June 2020. The $11.3m project was made possible by investment from State Government, Buller Ski Lifts and Mt Buller Mt Stirling Resort Management.
The reservoir is an essential part of the resort's climate change adaptation strategy, with the additional water supply increasing capacity for snow making in winter, firefighting in summer, the year-round Village drinking water supply, plus an innovative watering system to sustain rare alpine bogs on the mountain.
Several environmental initiatives during construction minimised the project footprint, which has conserved existing plants in the area. Unique native plants specific to Mt Buller have been sourced for the re-vegetation of the construction area and a specialty nursery at Mt Hotham is producing 15,000 plants to assist.
The Mt Buller community was involved with naming the reservoir 'Boggy Creek Reservoir'.
The reservoir is located on the former site of the top of the Boggy Creek T bar, the launch point for the Boggy Creek Trail and the headwaters of Boggy Creek which provides the water for the reservoir.
Reservoir Time-Lapse
View a time-lapse of the reservoir construction from October 2019- March 2020 below.