Reporting Faults and Providing Feedback
Your feedback is essential to ensuring a positive experience at Mt Buller. Please report any faults or issues with as much information as possible. We can then identify and address problems promptly.
In the event of a life threatening emergency please call 000 immediately.
Road-Related? Know who to report to...
Spotted a road-related hazard or have feedback?
We appreciate your help keeping the village roads safe by report any issues (potholes, icy roads, road blockages like treefall). To ensure your report is going to the correct authority, either VicRoads or ARV (using our form below), read on.
VicRoads vs ARV responsibilities on Mt Buller roads
Think of the road-related management in sections:
Main access roads (Mt Buller Rd to Mt Buller Clocktower & Mount Stirling Road to Telephone Box Junction)
VicRoads is ultimately responsible for these roads year-round, except snow clearing and traffic management in Winter (surprise snow clearing in the green season is therefore VicRoads). This includes the road surface, bridges, culverts, and roadside vegetation (except for maintenance related to the resort itself).
Contact VicRoads: 13 11 71 or link to VicRoads contact form
Village roads
ARV takes over that snow clearing and traffic management on the main access roads in Winter and is available to assist with immediate hazard removal (like treefall), if needed. Everything else inside the alpine resort: ARV is responsible for year-round. Including pathways, service roads, parking areas, signage related to the resort operation, and some traffic management.