To significantly increase visitation all year round and to deliver long term sustainability, financial viability, best practice environmental management, and compliant operations.
The Resort Management's strategic plans adopt the directions identified in the Alpine Resorts Coordinating Council’s Alpine Resorts Strategic Plan.
Pathways to a sustainable alpine future
Enable investment that drives sustainable businesses within a prosperous regional economy
Protect and enhance the mountain environment
Enhance our visitors’ experience
Implement practical policy and regulatory reform
Develop and strengthen partnerships through collaboration and communication.
To develop, promote, manage & use the resorts on a sustainable basis and in a manner compatible with the alpine environment, having regard to environmental and ecological considerations (particularly climate change), economic considerations, and cultural heritage considerations (particularly indigenous cultural heritage). It is also to use the resorts primarily for alpine recreation and tourism, in all seasons of the year, by persons from varied cultural and economic groups.
Resort Management Directors and staff are required to abide by the seven Victorian Public Sector values which provide the foundation of the integrity and accountability framework for all public sector employees – respect, integrity, impartiality, accountability, responsiveness, leadership, human rights.
Stirling 2030
Mount Stirling 2030 presents a contemporary vision that reflects community and stakeholder aspirations, celebrating the social and environmental values of the mountain and addressing challenges of climate change:
Mount Stirling Alpine Resort provides year-round opportunities that engage visitors with the mountain's core principles of environment, heritage and climate adaptation. Sound environmental management, appropriate services and infrastructure uphold the mountain's natural and social values.
Mount Stirling 2030 has been developed with extensive stakeholder input and engagement. Through collaboration of the Mount Stirling Stakeholder Group and wider community consultation, it was clear the core principles of the Mount Stirling Alpine Resort – being nature based, all season, affordable and educational – continue to be conserved and enhanced. Operations and management of the Resort need to continue to maintain strong community connections with winter and summer recreation, tourism and education offerings.
Mt Buller and Mt Stirling Alpine Resort Management formally and unanimously endorsed Mt Stirling 2030 at their meeting on 16 March 2018.