Under the Alpine Resorts (Management) Act 1997, Alpine Resorts Victoria (ARV) is the Statutory Authority responsible for the management of Crown Land at Mt Buller.
About the Lease Process
All Victorian alpine resorts are Crown Land permanently reserved under Section 4 (1) of the Crown Land (Reserves) Act 1978. Leases grant tenants exclusive right to occupy the land. The Alpine Resorts Leasing Policy (2002) provides a consistent framework for the leasing of Crown Land and Resort Management works collaboratively with stakeholders to implement the lease process.
The leasing of Crown Land is governed by the Alpine Resorts Leasing Policy (30 March 2002) which establishes a set of overarching principles around public benefit, ecological sustainability, consistency and transparency.
The Mt Buller Mt Stirling Property Leasing Procedure ensures a consistent approach is taken to implementing the policy and determining lease terms. The Resort Management works collaboratively with Lessees to help secure the longest lease term possible in accordance with the Alpine Leasing Policy and Property and Leasing Procedure. To commence the new lease process, Lessees are asked to complete the New Lease Application Form
We recommend Lessees initiate the lease renewal process up to five years before the lease expiry date. However, Lessees can surrender their existing lease and enter into negotiations with the Board for a new lease at any time, if they want to. If the new lease isn’t finalised before the existing lease expires, over-holding provisions apply to ensure tenure continuity.
Lease Negotiation Steps
Negotiating a new lease can take some time as the approval process involves a number of steps:
Complete the new lease application form and return along with the required attachments
Your application will be assessed against criteria outlined in the Alpine Leasing Policy to determine the lease term.
Once your application has been assessed, we will discuss the scoring with you. If there are any opportunities to improve the scored assessment by providing additional information, we will let you know.
Mt Buller Mt Stirling Resort Management approves the proposed lease term in principle.
Ministerial Approval in Principle is sought authorising the granting of the proposed lease.
The new lease is drafted and provided to you for execution.
Ministerial execution is sought.
The Resort Management signs the lease and arranges for the new lease to be registered with the Titles Office. A copy of signed lease is provided to you.
Lease Renewal Fees
Lessees may incur the following fees as part of the Lease process (fee amounts are estimates and subject to change):
Building Standards & Fire Safety Report
Valuation Report
Original Plan (OP) Survey
Title Registration
Approx. Total: $1800.00 - $2,500.00 +GST
Lessee to coordinate with Independent Building Surveyor. Recommend to complete three to five years prior to lease expiry.
Report to be arranged by Lessee
$1000.00 +GST
Conducted by the Office of Valuer-General Victoria within 6 months of Lease expiry.
Admin fee of 10% applies as the Resort Management coordinates this on the Lessee’s behalf.
$950.00 +GST
Conducted by the Office of Surveyor-General Victoria and/or Independent Surveyor.
Only required if there has been a change to the site boundary. Lessee to coordinate survey if required. Additional survey charges may apply.
$562.39 +GST
Registration of Lease with Land Use Victoria.
Admin fee of 10% applies as the Resort Management coordinates this on the Lessee’s behalf unless instructed otherwise.
$96.10 +GST
New Lease Application
New lease applications are assessed on a case by case basis in accordance with the Mt Buller Mt Stirling Resort Management’s Property and Leasing Procedure.
The Resort Management’s procedure complies with the Victorian Government’s Alpine Leasing Policy Implementation Guidelines.
Strategically Identified Site Potential
The Strategically Identified Site Potential (SISP) determines the maximum lease term bracket possible for
each site. Once we receive your completed application form, we will calculate your SISP, following the process outlined in the Property and Leasing Procedure. We will provide you with a copy of the SISP calculation and discuss it with you.
New lease criteria
All new lease applications are assessed against the following criteria to determine the appropriate lease term within the relevant maximum lease term set by the SISP. The criteria for assessing applications is:
Public and economic benefit
Business plan
Past performance
Next steps
Please complete the Lease Application Form.
Once you have completed the form, review the checklist and confirm which documents you have attached to your application. If you haven’t attached something, please include a comment, so we understand why it is not attached.
Once your application has been assessed, we will discuss the scoring. If there are any opportunities to improve the scored assessment by providing additional information, for instance, we will let you know.
If you have any questions contact property.mtbuller@alpineresorts.vic.gov.au