Resort Management is committed to preserving our precious alpine environment and maintaining its beauty for generations to come. We support, promote and engage in resource conservation, renewable energy use, recycling, composting and other forms of waste reduction, native fauna and flora habitat preservation and environmental education.
Environmental Goals
Resort Management aims to protect and enhance our natural environment, strive for healthy and resilient ecosystems and promote sustainable practices through:
Managing the endemic alpine flora and fauna communities within the Resorts
Controlling pest plant and animal species
Managing the Resorts' environmental footprint by developing and promoting sustainable practices and programs
Enhancing ecological awareness within the community
Managing bushfire risk and enhancing emergency preparedness when appropriate.
Environmental Management Plan
To achieve the commitments outlined in the Environmental Policy we have prepared an Environmental Management Plan (EMP). The EMP is a strategic document that elaborates further on the policy and guarantees protection of the Resort's natural environment while ensuring the sustainability of Resort activity and development.
This document is a comprehensive guide to environmental management of the Resort, including detailed descriptions of flora and fauna, ecosystems, environmental values and useful information about climate, geography and so on. It is a vehicle to help us fulfill our environmental commitments and a blueprint that will guide environmental management.
Native vegetation clearing is an effective bushfire reduction strategy. Vegetation clearing is subject to strict restrictions and guidelines. Download the FAQ below.
Mountain Pygmy-possum Recovery Plan
The Mount Buller Alpine Resort is home to a population of Australia's iconic alpine possum - the endangered Mountain Pygmy-possum (Burramys parvus). Habitat degradation and fragmentation, predation and climate change threaten its existence across the Australian Alps.
When serious declines in Pygmy-possum numbers were observed between 2001 and 2003, the Resort Management, in partnership with BSL and the DELWP, developed a five-year Mountain Pygmy-possum Recovery Plan to protect the species and its habitat. The plan was updated in 2020 and continues to direct conservation actions and works as a guide for the continued management of the species. Annual monitoring of the population continues with better than expected results.
Living Bin Organics Management
Mt Buller Mt Stirling Resort Management has taken the resort's recycling to new heights via its award-winning Living Bin organics management system. In 2010 Resort Management launched its food waste recycling system as part of the Victorian Government's ‘Towards Zero Waste' strategy. The system encourages on-mountain operators to separate out organic waste, (fruit, vegetables and meat), which is collected and recycled into compost.
The introduction of an onsite composting unit helps close the loop for food waste management at Mt Buller, enabling food waste to be processed at the on-mountain waste management centre and reused as compost throughout the resort. Since its inception, almost 100 properties participate in the program, that has seen over 337 tonnes of food waste diverted from landfill (that is a saving of over 641 tonnes of carbon emissions!). Save the snow, participate in The Living Bin Program.
For more information on how your lodge or venue could use the Living Bin, please contact the Environmental Services team on 03 5777 6077 or info.mtbuller@alpineresorts.vic.gov.au
Water Management & Recycling
Resort Management is responsible for catching, testing and treating Mt Buller's water. Where many regional suburbs draw their drinking water directly from surrounding local streams, Mt Buller's water comes from a protected catchment which undergoes intensive UV treatment to meet and surpasses Australian drinking standards.
Mt Buller is the first alpine resort in the world to implement a system that enables it to use recycled water for snowmaking. The $3.43 million Water Reuse project is a great achievement for the resort and evidence of Mt Buller's commitment to the longevity of the snow season.