Planning on upgrading your property? Thinking of buying or selling? Resort Management works with stakeholders to keep them informed of requirements. Detailed information, free resources and essential documentation can be found below.
Building & Renovating
Lodge your Building Permit
The Minister has gazetted that the Mt Buller and Mt Stirling Resort Management is responsible for administering and enforcing Parts 3, 4, 5, 6, and 8 of the Building Act 1996 (VIC) and the Building Regulations.
As a deemed municipality, Building Surveyors are required to lodge copies of Building Permits and relevant prescribed documentation relating to Building Permit applications with us.
The Lodgement Fee is set by the Building Regulations.
Contact us for information on how you can pay the fee.
Register your Project
Planning construction work during the green season?
Registering with us means you’ll be kept informed of requirements, summer events and emergency management that may impact your project. No matter the size of your project, whether you are repainting a bathroom or completing a full rebuild, we’d like to hear from you.
Water & Sewer Connections
Water & Sewer Connections Request
All connections to Alpine Resort Victoria’s (ARV) water and sewer reticulation networks at Mt Buller and Mt Stirling must be approved by ARV before any such works commence. For detailed information on the Conditions of Connections please refer to the document below. To contact the ARV to start the connection process please complete and submit the registration form below.
Useful Resources
Pools & Spas
Did you know it is mandatory to register your pool and/or spa?
On 1 December 2019, new laws to improve swimming pool and spa safety came into effect in Victoria.
It is now mandatory for property owners to register their pool or spa with the Resort Management.
The registration includes a small fee. Failure to register existing pools and spas may lead to a $1,652.20 penalty notice being issued.
If you’re yet to register your pool, please contact the Resort Management via property.mtbuller.com@alpineresorts.vic.gov.au with the following details:
Location (within the building)
Date of construction (year)
Size (litres or cubic metres)
Buying & Selling
As the Landlord, the Resort Management must provide written consent whenever a transaction takes place, including the transfer of ownership of a Crown Allotment, Sub-Lease of an apartment/unit or car park, License, Mortgage or change in share ownership.
Buildings are owned under a Head Lease with the Resort Management acting as Landlord. Ownership of apartments/units/carparks are through either a Sub Lease or Share arrangement. The following are the most common forms of ownership at Mt Buller:
The owner has shares in the head lessee company. The shares give exclusive rights to use the nominated apartment, but there is no sublease;
The owner has shares in the head lessee company and also has a sublease giving exclusive right to use the nominated apartment;
The owner has a sublease from the head lessee company giving exclusive rights to use the nominated apartment, with no shares in the head lessee company.
All new head leases are registered at the Titles Office and subleases should be registered.
Types of Consent
Consent Fee
A fee of $825 (inc GST) per consent is payable to Mt Buller Mt Stirling Alpine Resorts via:
Mt Buller Mt Stirling Alpine Resorts
Alpine Central, 10 Summit Road,
Mt Buller VIC 3723
Account Name: Alpine Resorts Victoria Trading as Mt Buller and Mt Stirling Alpine Resorts
BSB: 063 711 (Commonwealth Bank, 78 High Street Mansfield)
Account Number: 10196430
Head Lease Transfer
When a Crown Allotment Lease is sold
Sub Lease or Share Transfer
When an apartment/unit/carpark or shares are sold
When a lease, sub lease or shares are mortgaged
Consent Process
*PLEASE NOTE: Resort Management requires all outstanding financial matters pertaining to the site be settled and the consent fee paid prior to processing of consent requests.
Consent request submitted to Resort Management* (see required documentation list below).
Resort Management conduct a review of the documents
Resort Management and/or the CEO approves consent
Executed Consent returned
Settlement of transaction
Required Documentation
The following documents are required to be provided to the Resort Management in order to grant consent:
Resort Management Consent Form
ASIC Company Search Listing Current Directors, Shareholders
If Applicable
Approval by Head Lessee
Evidence of Solvency/Financial Responsibility
(Financial statements or Sworn Statement of Assets & Liabilities, Business references, Deed of Guarantors & Indemnity)
If Applicable
Share Security Deed
If Applicable
(Head Lease, Shares, Sub Lease)
If Applicable
If Applicable
Contract of Sale
Discharge of Mortgage
If Applicable
If Applicable
Transfer of Lease
Notice of Disposition
Certificate of Incorporation
Articles and Memorandum of Association or Constitution
Public Liability Insurance
Transfer of Land
If Applicable
Share Certificate
If Applicable
If Applicable
Standard Share Transform Form
If Applicable
If Applicable